2025 | (UPCOMING) Galerie im Schlosspavillon, Ismaning, Munich, Germany |
2024 | →Feeler, OxfordBerlin, Berlin, Germany |
2023 | →Thingish, Intermedia Gallery, CCA, Glasgow, Scotland |
2021 | Ghostwriting, Enūma Eliš, 1070 Vienna, Austria |
2021 | Nook and Cranny, 2-2-2, Stuttgart, Germany ↓ |
Nook and Cranny, 2021, part of a series of small photograms, exposed through keyholes of various doors to domestic or work-related rooms, approx. 12x12 cm
2021 | →Jiffy, L187, Offenbach, Germany ↓ |
Jiffy, 2021, site specific temporary installation, found images, b/w offset print on paper in an edition of 400, transparent tape, variable dimensions
(Installation view by Esra Klein)
2018 | As a lover or a chameleon, Studio -1-414, Kunsthochschule Mainz, 55122 Mainz, Germany |
2017 | s fort, Show Me, 55112 Mainz, Germany |
s fort, 2017, an exhibition in collaboration with Andrea Farrenkopf. Works were mounted on a freestanding modular display system of MDF panels, temporarily bent with ratchet straps. Works seen: Untitled, 2017, inkjet print from analogue photograph, unframed, 60x80 cm. SSSSIT, 2017, photogram, 24x17 cm. (Commissioned photo by Neven Allgeier)
SSSSIT, 2017, photogram, 24x17 cm, mounted on freestanding bent MDF panel. (Commissioned photo by Neven Allgeier)
2025 | (UPCOMING) Linienstraße, Düsseldorf, Germany |
2025 | (UPCOMING) Edmund Felson Gallery, Berlin, Germany |
2024 | Five Minutes (Late), various locations in public space, Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
2024 | Out of Focus, Kunstverein Friedberg, Germany |
2024 | Trying to find the one by seeking and hiding, B12, Bottrop, Germany |
2023 | Trage ein Trikot von Tipico, Q18 Quartier am Hafen, Cologne, Germany |
2023 | →make you stay, music video for Emily Wittbrodt, online |
2023 | Sofort so fort, Neuer Kunstverein Mittelrhein, Neuwied, Germany↓ |
Motors, 2023, 15 drawings on paper, resting on top of found drinking vessels, placed along the sun’s path through the exhibition space at Neuer Kunstverein Mittelrhein (11am-2:45pm)
2023 | Vom Spielen, Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany |
2023 | La Réciproque, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France |
2020 | Emy-Roeder-Prize Shortlist, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany |
2020 | The Sill-Grill: Barbecue for Beginners, hosted by Leonie Licht, Angewandte Festival, Vienna, Austria |
2020 | Wir leben auf einem Stern: Intro, Kunsthalle Mainz, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
2020 | Causal Loops / Time Squiggles, published by Compagnia, London, UK |
2020 | Upcoming: Glasgow, published by →N2H4, Brussels, Belgium |
2019 | I Engineer, Spinnerei, 04179 Leipzig, Germany |
2019 | Chains, published by Julia Gerke and Julia Carolin Kothe, launch at CCA, Glasgow G2 3JD, Scotland |
2019 | Graduate Degree Show, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow G1 5ES, Scotland |
2019 | Causal Loops, Time Squiggles, XXV. Artists Research Laboratory with Ei Arakawa, Kasper König, Nora Schultz, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, 22100 Como, Italy |
Lotto, 2019, tennis ball lottery with a dog as adjudicator, whose choice of balls determines the winner. Collective work with Ilan Bachl, Marc Buchy, Letizia Calori, Douna Lim, Théo Pesso, Edoardo Manzoni, Nora Schultz and the participation of Arto & Runa. (Performance documentation by Luca Bianco)
2019 | Too Little, Too Late, Outlier, Glasgow G1 5NB, Scotland |
Blues, 2019, laser cut photogram, steel pins, 40x30 cm
Off, 2019, photogram from spontaneous direct phone exposures, magnets, approx. 120x80 cm
Blues, laser cut photogram, steel pins, 40x30 cm
ctrl+c, photograms, steel pins, 120x80 each
Wear and Tear, laser cut photogram, steel pins, 50x40 cm
2019 | How To, Outlier, Glasgow G1 5NB, Scotland |
How To, 2019, screening of artists’ short films and archival films from the Scottish Moving Image Archive/National Libraries of Scotland, co-curated with Rosie King. (Screening documentation)
2019 | Strange Weather, Skypark, Glasgow G3 8EP, Scotland |
2018 | Helios (Moving Cinema), 55116, 55118, 55122 Mainz, Germany |
Helios (Moving Cinema), 2018, a collective screening series with Filmklasse Mainz across various locations in Mainz, Germany, such as a Thai Food chain, a kiosk, a bridge, an American furniture store. The setup and content of each screening were specifically assembled for the location. (Neon sign on location, photo by Simone Eisele)
2018 | Neustart, Kunsthochschule Mainz, 55122 Mainz, Germany |
Blue, unmistakably, 2018, an installation of cyanotype renderings of RH Quaytman's book "Spine", and a sundial transfer print to the floor. (Installation detail)
2018 | The Tell Tale Heart Museum, Apotheke, 55116 Mainz, Germany |
2018 | Verstehen, nicht verstehen, Kantonsspital Bruderholz, 4101 Basel, Switzerland |
2018 | WELL::NESS BAD::ASS, Kunstverein Speyer, 67346 Speyer, Germany |
2018 | Strangers on a Train, 64. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany |
2017 | Let’s See, Where Were We? In the Pit of Despair, De Ateliers, 1073 AT Amsterdam, Netherlands |
OOO, 2017, a hollow iron ball of 12 cm diametre with three circular cut-outs, to be used as an ashtray. (Photo by Benedikte Bjerre)
2017 | Strangers on a Train, Kunsthalle Mainz, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
Strangers on a Train, 2017, collective work with Filmklasse Mainz, including a screening series and the production of a 16 mm b/w film which has been shot, developed and edited during a one-day train journey, and finally screened upon arrival the same night at Kunsthalle Mainz, Germany. (Scan of 16mm film positive)
2017 | Tell Tales, 55116 Mainz, Germany |
2017 | Das Gegenüber ist ein unbekannter Raum, Klasse Andrea Büttner Studios, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
2017 | “You Lost Me at ‘I don’t like reading’”, →Passe-Avant, Germany |
2017 | Chambers A User’s Manual II, Passe-Avant, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Spring, 2017, group of rolled up drawings, translucent tape. (Photo by Neven Allgeier)
2017 | When January Becomes February, Kunsthochschule Mainz, 55122 Mainz, Germany |
Müde, 2017, a 45’ drone live set by MÜDE musicians in the exhibition space, in darkness. (Rehearsal documentation)
2016 | Studio Visit with Passe-Avant |
Studio visit with Passe-Avant, 2016 (Photos by Neven Allgeier, Text “Performing Memory” by Carina Bukuts)
2016 | Cruise, Ausstellungshalle Sophienstrasse, 60487 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
2017 | Chambers A User’s Manual: Chapter I, Passe-Avant, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Geoluhread, 2016, series of ink drawings on posters, A0 each + 12’ digital sound. (Photo by Neven Allgeier)
2016 | Besser als Brot, Kunstraum Teiggi, 6010 Luzern, Switzerland |
2016 | Kunsthoch46, HBK Galerie, 06114 Halle an der Saale, Germany |
2016 | Makes Your Soul Feel Good Forever, Good Forever, 40211 Düsseldorf, Germany |
2016 | Organised Orgasms, 55116 Mainz, Germany |
2016 | One Month: After the Materialization of the Art Object, Temporary Gallery, 50676 Cologne, Germany |
2016 | 125 Bogen, An evening with strings and a sculpture (Ainola Quartet, Immanuel Birkert), Schweizer Straße 23, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
2015 | Four Girls One Room, ruelle, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
2015 | Es wird sogar schön, temporary offspace, 45127 Essen, Germany |
2015 | art wem ok, HBK Saar Galerie, 66117 Saarbrücken, Germany |
2015 | Annäherungen an Schinken, Museum Heylshof, 67547 Worms, Germany |
2015 | Holy Shit |
2015 | Home Staging |
*1990 in Bonn, Germany
Based in Glasgow, UK and Cologne, GER
2019 | MLitt Fine Art Practice, Glasgow School of Art |
2018 | Diplom Bildende Kunst, Kunsthochschule Mainz, Germany |
2024 | Artist in Residence, Atelierprogramm Ismaning, Germany |
2024 | Alexander Tutsek Foundation Project Grant |
2024 | Riverside Topographies, Research and development residency, Glasgow, Scotland |
2022 | Artist in Residence at Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France |
2021 | Royal Drawing School Residency, Dumfries House, Scotland |
2021 | Paper Residency, d'mage, Berlin, Germany |
2020 | Creative Scotland Bridging Bursary |
2019 | XXV. Artists Research Laboratory, Fondazione Ratti, Como, Italy |
2016 | Cusanuswerk Künstler*innenförderung (until 2019) |
2015 | Deutschlandstipendium, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany |
2023 | →Do only interesting people get interested? |
2021 | →Die Gesteinsflüsterin |
2018 | →Turning Pages, Turning Blue |
2021 | Haus des Papiers, Berlin, Germany |
2021 | Dumfries House Collection, Scotland |
2025 | Visiting Lecturer at Glasgow School of Art, Scotland |
2022 | Participant of the →Crown Letter Project |
2021 | Editor at →NOTES Photography Journal, Scotland |
2016 | Founder of →Organized Orgasms, interdisciplinary collective in Mainz, Germany |
2015 | Founder of →Ruelle e.V., offspace for contemporary arts in Mainz, Germany |
2024 | [Upcoming] 16 Nicholson Street, Glasgow, Scotland |
2023 | →THINGISH, Intermedia Gallery, CCA Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow, Scotland |
2021 | Ghostwriting, Enūma Eliš, 1070 Vienna, Austria |
2021 | Nook and Cranny, 2-2-2, Stuttgart, Germany ↓ |
Nook and Cranny, 2021, part of a series of small photograms, exposed through keyholes of various doors to domestic or work-related rooms, approx. 12x12 cm
2021 | →Jiffy, L187, Offenbach, Germany ↓ |
Jiffy, 2021, site specific temporary installation, found images, b/w offset print on paper in an edition of 400, transparent tape, variable dimensions
(Installation view by Esra Klein)
2023 | →make you stay, music video for Emily Wittbrodt, online |
2023 | Sofort so fort, Neuer Kunstverein Mittelrhein, Neuwied, Germany↓ |
Motors, 2023, 15 drawings on paper, resting on top of found drinking vessels, placed along the sun’s path through the exhibition space at Neuer Kunstverein Mittelrhein (11am-2:45pm)
2023 | Vom Spielen, Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany |
2023 | La Réciproque, Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France |
2020 | Emy-Roeder-Prize Shortlist, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen, 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany |
2020 | The Sill-Grill: Barbecue for Beginners, hosted by Leonie Licht, Angewandte Festival, Vienna, Austria |
2020 | Wir leben auf einem Stern: Intro, Kunsthalle Mainz, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
2020 | Causal Loops / Time Squiggles, published by Compagnia, London, UK |
2020 | Upcoming: Glasgow, published by →N2H4, Brussels, Belgium |
2019 | I Engineer, Spinnerei, 04179 Leipzig, Germany |
2019 | Chains, published by Julia Gerke and Julia Carolin Kothe, launch at CCA, Glasgow G2 3JD, Scotland |
2019 | Graduate Degree Show, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow G1 5ES, Scotland |
2019 | Causal Loops, Time Squiggles, XXV. Artists Research Laboratory with Ei Arakawa, Kasper König, Nora Schultz, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, 22100 Como, Italy |
Lotto, 2019, tennis ball lottery with a dog as adjudicator, whose choice of balls determines the winner. Collective work with Ilan Bachl, Marc Buchy, Letizia Calori, Douna Lim, Théo Pesso, Edoardo Manzoni, Nora Schultz and the participation of Arto & Runa. (Performance documentation by Luca Bianco)
2019 | Too Little, Too Late, Outlier, Glasgow G1 5NB, Scotland |
Blues, 2019, laser cut photogram, steel pins, 40x30 cm
Off, 2019, photogram from spontaneous direct phone exposures, magnets, approx. 120x80 cm
Blues, laser cut photogram, steel pins, 40x30 cm
ctrl+c, photograms, steel pins, 120x80 each
Wear and Tear, laser cut photogram, steel pins, 50x40 cm
2019 | How To, Outlier, Glasgow G1 5NB, Scotland |
How To, 2019, screening of artists’ short films and archival films from the Scottish Moving Image Archive/National Libraries of Scotland, co-curated with Rosie King. (Screening documentation)
2019 | Strange Weather, Skypark, Glasgow G3 8EP, Scotland |
2018 | Helios (Moving Cinema), 55116, 55118, 55122 Mainz, Germany |
Helios (Moving Cinema), 2018, a collective screening series with Filmklasse Mainz across various locations in Mainz, Germany, such as a Thai Food chain, a kiosk, a bridge, an American furniture store. The setup and content of each screening were specifically assembled for the location. (Neon sign on location, photo by Simone Eisele)
2018 |
| Neustart, Kunsthochschule Mainz, 55122 Mainz, Germany |
Blue, unmistakably, 2018, an installation of cyanotype renderings of RH Quaytman's book "Spine", and a sundial transfer print to the floor. (Installation detail)
2018 | The Tell Tale Heart Museum, Apotheke, 55116 Mainz, Germany |
2018 | Verstehen, nicht verstehen, Kantonsspital Bruderholz, 4101 Basel, Switzerland |
2018 | WELL::NESS BAD::ASS, Kunstverein Speyer, 67346 Speyer, Germany |
2018 | Strangers on a Train, 64. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany |
2017 | Let’s See, Where Were We? In the Pit of Despair, De Ateliers, 1073 AT Amsterdam, Netherlands |
s fort, 2017, an exhibition in collaboration with Andrea Farrenkopf. Works were mounted on a freestanding modular display system of MDF panels, temporarily bent with ratchet straps. Works seen: Untitled, 2017, inkjet print from analogue photograph, unframed, 60x80 cm. SSSSIT, 2017, photogram, 24x17 cm. (Commissioned photo by Neven Allgeier)
SSSSIT, 2017, photogram, 24x17 cm, mounted on freestanding bent MDF panel. (Commissioned photo by Neven Allgeier)
OOO, 2017, a hollow iron ball of 12 cm diametre with three circular cut-outs, to be used as an ashtray. (Photo by Benedikte Bjerre)
2017 | Strangers on a Train, Kunsthalle Mainz, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
Strangers on a Train, 2017, collective work with Filmklasse Mainz, including a screening series and the production of a 16 mm b/w film which has been shot, developed and edited during a one-day train journey, and finally screened upon arrival the same night at Kunsthalle Mainz, Germany. (Scan of 16mm film positive)
2017 | Tell Tales, 55116 Mainz, Germany |
2017 | Das Gegenüber ist ein unbekannter Raum, Klasse Andrea Büttner Studios, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
2017 | “You Lost Me at ‘I don’t like reading’”, →Passe-Avant, Germany |
2017 | Chambers A User’s Manual II, Passe-Avant, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Spring, 2017, group of rolled up drawings, translucent tape. (Photo by Neven Allgeier)
2017 | When January Becomes February, Kunsthochschule Mainz, 55122 Mainz, Germany |
Müde, 2017, a 45’ drone live set by MÜDE musicians in the exhibition space, in darkness. (Rehearsal documentation)
2016 | Studio Visit with Passe-Avant |
Studio visit with Passe-Avant, 2016 (Photos by Neven Allgeier, Text “Performing Memory” by Carina Bukuts)
2016 | Cruise, Ausstellungshalle Sophienstrasse, 60487 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
2017 | Chambers A User’s Manual: Chapter I, Passe-Avant, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Geoluhread, 2016, series of ink drawings on posters, A0 each + 12’ digital sound. (Photo by Neven Allgeier)
2016 | Besser als Brot, Kunstraum Teiggi, 6010 Luzern, Switzerland |
2016 | Kunsthoch46, HBK Galerie, 06114 Halle an der Saale, Germany |
2016 | Makes Your Soul Feel Good Forever, Good Forever, 40211 Düsseldorf, Germany |
2016 | Organised Orgasms, 55116 Mainz, Germany |
2016 | One Month: After the Materialization of the Art Object, Temporary Gallery, 50676 Cologne, Germany |
2016 | 125 Bogen, An evening with strings and a sculpture (Ainola Quartet, Immanuel Birkert), Schweizer Straße 23, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
2015 | Four Girls One Room, ruelle, 55118 Mainz, Germany |
2015 | Es wird sogar schön, temporary offspace, 45127 Essen, Germany |
2015 | art wem ok, HBK Saar Galerie, 66117 Saarbrücken, Germany |
2015 | Annäherungen an Schinken, Museum Heylshof, 67547 Worms, Germany |
2015 | Holy Shit |
2015 | Home Staging |
*1990 in Bonn, Germany
Based in Glasgow, UK and Cologne, GER
2019 | MLitt Fine Art Practice, Glasgow School of Art |
2018 | Diplom Bildende Kunst, Kunsthochschule Mainz, Germany |
2024 | Artist in Residence, Atelierprogramm Ismaning, Germany |
2024 | Alexander Tutsek Foundation Project Grant |
2024 | Riverside Topographies, Research and development residency, Glasgow, Scotland |
2022 | Artist in Residence at Cité internationale des arts, Paris, France |
2021 | Royal Drawing School Residency, Dumfries House, Scotland |
2021 | Paper Residency, d'mage, Berlin, Germany |
2020 | Creative Scotland Bridging Bursary |
2019 | XXV. Artists Research Laboratory, Fondazione Ratti, Como, Italy |
2016 | Cusanuswerk Künstler*innenförderung (until 2019) |
2015 | Deutschlandstipendium, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany |
2021 | Haus des Papiers, Berlin, Germany |